Audio: New Single "Gone Fishing" from G-DO & Xception
Video: Road to Grow - Shishani, Bernt, Guido, and Donnie [G-DO & Xception]
Music, Performance, Live, VideoDonnieRoad to Grow, Shishani, G-DO & Xception, Donnie, Bernt Nellen, The Journey, Namibia, Amsterdam, Soul, Hip Hop, Folk, Acoustic, rap
Video: Minority - Shishani and The Dub Colours
Music, Video, Performance, LiveDonnieShishani and The Dub Colours, Shishani, Minority, Soul, R&B, Jazz, Live, Greece, Namibia
"WE ALIVE" Third and Final Single from "SANKOFA" [click image for instant download]
G-DO & XceptionChicago to Amsterdam, Funk, G-DO & Xception, Goal Music Group, Hip-Hop, Music, Rap, Sankofa, Soul, mood of the music
New Single "AMUSING" from "SANKOFA" [click image for instant download]
Downloads, MusicG-DO & XceptionChicago to Amsterdam, Funk, G-DO & Xception, Goal Music Group, Hip-Hop, Music, Rap, Sankofa, Soul, mood of the music